This site is a digital copy of the 1997 BMC guidebook to rock climbing in Lancashire
Grade: | First Ascent: -1957
Rating: 0
Start three metres right of the left arĂȘte. Climb to the break, then step right to finish.
Grade: 5b | First Ascent: -1986
Rating: 0
The short problem wall immediately right, using a one-finger hole near the bottom. From the break, finish as for Silly Way.
Grade: | First Ascent: -1957
Rating: 1
Incorrectly known as If Looks Would Kill in the previous guidebook. The thin groove/crack in the centre of the buttress, then the ripply wall above.
Grade: 4c | First Ascent: -1957
Rating: 0
The wall immediately right of the crack is undercut, and hard to start.