This site is a digital copy of the 1997 BMC guidebook to rock climbing in Lancashire
Grade: 4c | First Ascent: (1974-75)
Rating: 0
The wall behind the right-hand tree.
Grade: 4c | First Ascent: (1974-75)
Rating: 0
A line of flakes starting left of the twin trees.
Grade: 4c | First Ascent: (1974-75)
Rating: 0
Climb awkwardly up the thin groove two metres to the left, and finish up the loose break on the right.
Grade: 5a | First Ascent: (1974-75)
Rating: 0
Climb the wall one metre left of the groove.
Grade: 5a | First Ascent: -1995
Rating: 0
Five metres to the left is a yew tree at four metres. From a large block just right of this, climb up on good holds to an overlap. The rock above is terminal, so move left to finish up the corner above the yew.
Grade: 5b | First Ascent: -1995
Rating: 0
Start below the yew. Climb up the rock to the left-hand side of the yew.
Grade: 5c | First Ascent: (1974-75)
Rating: 1
About two metres farther left is a corner. Climb this direct.
Grade: 5a | First Ascent: -1995
Rating: 0
Climb the bulge three metres to the left and the wall above via an obvious jug.
Grade: 4b | First Ascent: (1974-75)
Rating: 0
The groove above the right-hand side of the trough needs a drought to bring it into condition.
Grade: 4b | First Ascent: (1974-75)
Rating: 0
An accurately-named route up the wall above the trough.