This site is a digital copy of the 1997 BMC guidebook to rock climbing in Lancashire
Grade: 6a | First Ascent: -2000
Rating: 0
About 40 metres to the right of the Upper Crag at a much lower level there is a small, isolated buttress that can be further by a prominent left-facing groove. Gain this groove with difficulty using a painful finger jam, the exit over a small bulge on the right. There is a bolted line at the right side of this route, but Lancs CC have asked that these bolts are removed, so they may now have been removed.
Grade: | First Ascent: -2000
Rating: 0
This route is on another isolated buttress to the right of the Upper Crag. To reach it follow the lower concessionary path that leads north from the top of the Small Quarry along the base of the woods. Continue past a gap stile to a major path junction where an obvious path leads uphill in a bit of a valley. The climb lies on a buttress off to the right and higher up, just before the path leads to a rocky gully (about SD 496 730) and has a big roof at half-height (bolted). Climb the right edge of the slab to an overlap, then pull over this and finish up the short, steep pillar.