This site is a digital copy of the 1997 BMC guidebook to rock climbing in Lancashire

Ambre Solaire

  • 20 - Ambre Solaire

    Grade: 4c | First Ascent: (Pre-1975)
    Rating: 0

    Climb the wall one metre to the right of the big yew moving up rightwards to finish up doubtful rock right of a stump.

  • 21 - Coppertone

    Grade: 5a | First Ascent: -1992
    Rating: 0

    Start two metres to the right and climb the wall up and to the left, step right to a tree, then finish direct.

  • 21a - Redneck

    Grade: 5a | First Ascent: -1999
    Rating: 0

    Climb past a small slanting overlap one and a half metres left of Goleu to reach a ledge, then finish at a small, deep crack.

  • 22 - Goleu

    Grade: 5c | First Ascent: -1970
    Rating: 0

    Start eight metres to the right, at the large, square block on the ground. Climb the curving, small corner above the block to the overhang. The overhang is difficult.

  • 23 - Ultra Violet

    Grade: 5c | First Ascent: -1994
    Rating: 1

    Three metres to the right is a blunt rib. Ascend this to a bulge, surmount this and a farther bulge to finish.

  • 24 - Sun Seeker

    Grade: 5a | First Ascent: -1996
    Rating: 1

    Just to the right is a short corner groove. Climb this, or the bulging wall on its right, to a ledge. From the overhang climb up and to the left with increasing difficulty until a high flake handhold enables the ledge on the left to be gained. Either step left and finish, or finish direct.

  • 25 - Browned Off

    Grade: 4b | First Ascent: -1992
    Rating: 2

    A short but entertaining route. Just to the right is an overhang at head-height. Start on its right and step left into a shallow depression. Finish straight above.

  • 25a - Bronzed Adonis

    Grade: 5c | First Ascent:

    The severely undercut arĂȘte on the right gives an interesting problem.