This site is a digital copy of the 1997 BMC guidebook to rock climbing in Lancashire

Pool Area

  • 1 - Pondule

    Grade: | First Ascent: (1974-75)
    Rating: 0

    The small arête on the right of the pool.

  • 25 - Earwig

    Grade: 5a | First Ascent: -1978
    Rating: 0

    The obvious arête left of the pond.

  • 2 - Ponder

    Grade: 4b | First Ascent: (1979-83)
    Rating: 0

    The crack just to the left.

  • 26 - Napoleon Solo

    Grade: 6a | First Ascent: -1986
    Rating: 0

    The wall and thin crack just right of Earwig; crux low down.

  • 27 - Anarchy

    Grade: 4b | First Ascent: -1978
    Rating: 0

    The crackline splitting the wall on the right, on excellent hand jams.

  • 3 - Pond Traverse

    Grade: 5c | First Ascent: (Pre-1965)
    Rating: 2

    An excellent traverse. Start at the arête right of the pond and traverse the pond walls from right to left. Can be extended right round as far as Hernia.

  • 28 - Artificial Insinuation

    Grade: 4b | First Ascent: -1978
    Rating: 0

    The cracks three metres to the right.

  • 4 - Riddle

    Grade: 5c | First Ascent: -1984
    Rating: 0

    From Piddle, traverse right for three metres and climb the wall above.

  • 29 - Larceny

    Grade: 4a | First Ascent: -1978
    Rating: 0

    Climb the obvious corner on the right and finish up the left wall.

  • 5 - Middle

    Grade: 5c | First Ascent: -1984
    Rating: 0

    Traverse right about one metre from Piddle and finish direct.

  • 30 - Hogmanay Slab

    Grade: | First Ascent: -1968
    Rating: 2

    Pleasant climbing up the left-hand side of the slab on good holds.

  • 6 - Piddle

    Grade: 5c | First Ascent: -1984
    Rating: 0

    Climb the wall just right of the right-angled corner of the Pool Walls while contemplating the riddle of the piddle in the middle!

  • 31 - Chasing Rainbows

    Grade: 5b | First Ascent: -1985
    Rating: 2

    A solitary runner protects this pleasantly-angled slab. However, escape is possible if one`s nerve goes. Climb directly up the slab just right of Hogmanay Slab with increasing difficulty.

  • 7 - The Corner

    Grade: 5a | First Ascent: (1979-83)
    Rating: 0

    Traverse left from Pondule into the corner and finish up this.

  • 32 - Metropolis

    Grade: 4b | First Ascent: -1968
    Rating: 0

    Five metres to the right is an obvious crackline sloping from right to left. Follow this to a groove, then climb this and pull round the arête on the left to finish.

  • 8 - Splosh

    Grade: 5b | First Ascent: (1979-83)
    Rating: 0

    The thin crack two metres to the left of the corner.

  • 33 - Flat Battery

    Grade: 4c | First Ascent: (1986-87)
    Rating: 0

    A disappointing route. Six metres right of Metropolis is a loose rib, climb this and finish up the slab above.

  • 9 - Splish

    Grade: 4c | First Ascent: (1975-79)
    Rating: 0

    The twin cracks in the wall on the left.

  • 10 - Splash

    Grade: 5b | First Ascent: (1975-79)
    Rating: 0

    The third crackline past the corner.

  • 11 - Wet Foot

    Grade: 5a | First Ascent: (1975-79)
    Rating: 0

    A direct line one metre right of Watery Arête.

  • 12 - Watery Arête

    Grade: 4c | First Ascent: (Pre-1948)
    Rating: 0

    The left arête of the pond has a slippery start.

  • 13 - Slab Variant

    Grade: | First Ascent: (1974-75)
    Rating: 0

    The corner, slab and arête in sequence.

  • 14 - Wet Corner

    Grade: | First Ascent: (Pre-1948)
    Rating: 0

    Go straight up the initial corner of Slab Variant.

  • 15 - Muddy Arête

    Grade: 5c | First Ascent: (Pre-1948)
    Rating: 0

    The next arête is followed above fallen blocks.

  • 16 - Muddy Wall

    Grade: 4c | First Ascent: (1979-83)
    Rating: 0

    Climb the wall one metre left of the arête.

  • 17 - Chockerblock Corner

    Grade: | First Ascent: (Pre-1948)
    Rating: 0

    The corner which contains a jamming flake.

  • 18 - Mantelstrug

    Grade: | First Ascent: (Pre-1948)
    Rating: 0

    Mantel on to a little platform, then climb the wall.

  • 19 - Two Step

    Grade: 4b | First Ascent: (Pre-1948)
    Rating: 0

    The wall on the left has three small ledges. Follow these rightwards and finish on Mantelstrug. 5c if the top is not used.

  • 20 - Two Step Left-hand

    Grade: 5b | First Ascent: (Pre-1969)
    Rating: 0

    From the start of Two Step, go slightly leftwards and up.

  • 21 - Verdi Wall

    Grade: 4c | First Ascent: (1974-75)
    Rating: 0

    Climb the short wall at a crack.

  • 22 - Verdigris

    Grade: 6a | First Ascent: -1987
    Rating: 1

    Climb the wall just left, via a good jug in the wall. Use of the jug on the arête is strictly off limits (it`s about 4c with the jug).

  • 23 - Verdinand

    Grade: 6a | First Ascent: (1979-83)
    Rating: 1

    The shallow groove immediately to the left in the same wall, is climbed avoiding the jug on the previous route.

  • 24 - Verdi Corner

    Grade: 4a | First Ascent: (Pre-1948)
    Rating: 0

    The corner crack.

  • 25 - Verdi Ramp

    Grade: 4b | First Ascent: (Pre-1948)
    Rating: 0

    From the foot of the corner move left up the obvious scoop.

  • 26 - Moss Wall

    Grade: 4b to 5c | First Ascent: (Pre-1948)
    Rating: 1

    There are at least four ways up the wall on the left.

  • 27 - Brownstones Crack

    Grade: | First Ascent: (Pre-1948)
    Rating: 0

    The obvious crack.

  • 28 - Slimer

    Grade: 5b | First Ascent: (Pre-1948)
    Rating: 0

    The wall on the left.

  • 29 - Lobotomy

    Grade: 5a | First Ascent: -1993
    Rating: 0

    Climb the wall immediately to the left to a notch at the top.

  • 30 - Hernia

    Grade: 5a | First Ascent: (Pre-1948)
    Rating: 0

    The left end of the wall.

  • 30a - Lowballing

    Grade: 6a | First Ascent: -2000
    Rating: 0

    The traverse from the extreme right-hand side of the wall. Finish up Knep.

  • 30b - SF2

    Grade: | First Ascent: -2002
    Rating: 0

    Climb the loose wall rright of Dave’s Route.